Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Machiavelli Vs Thoreau

Machiavelli and Thoreau are very different especially when it comes to writing, what their writing about is not so different, it is just about making your life better for you. They go about doing this two completely different ways, at first it seems like they have nothing similar but they do but they have different target audiences. In Civil Disobedience its directed to those for do not agree with the government. But in Machiavelli’s it’s directed toward those who will be at the top of the government or who aim to be there.
Machiavelli is not the guy you go to help you when you fall down, he would be the guy to tell you this is why you tripped. He’s all about helping yourself before you do something that will cause your downfall. Also Machiavelli doesn't care about the people, the everyday people, he says most men are “ungrateful, fickle, liars and deceivers, fearful of danger and greedy for gain,”(Mach 461). Machiavelli only cares for his intended audience, the princes, but from what power Machiavelli says they have then they are actually kings and only calling them princes to compliment them, which is very possible to compensate for the snobby know it all tone he seems to be giving off.
Where as Thoreau is not using a snobby tone, although he is still giving of this you should be selfish vibe. Thoreau’s intended audience is anything but the people attempting to get in power, he’s a rebel not paying his taxes and living how he wants to live, maybe that's admirable considering he’s though of to be ideological and well known by many all over the world. He is noble compared to Machiavelli, in fact Machiavelli said being noble and chasing virtue will be your downfall. Where as Thoreau is saying to rid yourself of things that affect and do harm to your honor and will bring shame to you, Thoreau cares less about the people’s opinion and more about yourself. Machiavelli does not care for the people but cares about the people’s opinion in order to maintain power.

These two writers are very different in their beliefs of how to live your life whether it be as a free man or as a “good” prince. How they achieve there goals are not to different in the sense of being selfish or maybe its just caring for ones well being. Machiavelli goal is to maintain power no matter how you must act, and Thoreau is more to maintain ones clear conscience and being good to yourself not to others.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

My Rhetorical Analysis Outline of Malala’s Speech to The UN

Purpose:  Is to inform those people unaware of the situation and the dire need to let boys and girls receive an education without the fear of being attack like Malala was.
Audience: everyone at the UN, the world globally, the people who must raise there voice and fight for education, and the people who can help them in their need of education.
Context: Malala Yousafzai a 16 year old girl spoke at the UN after being shot in the head by a Taliban member. Malala is a believer of free, compulsory education for every child. This was due to the fear of receiving an education in Pakistan due to the Taliban.

Section1: Intro/acknowledgements
Purpose: To address and Thank all of those who have helped her this far and in doing that it helps her ethos.
Appeals: Ethos

Section 2: The real beginning of her speech
Purpose: to turn the subject to what she thinks is important also to set the tone.
Appeals: pathos
Technique: uses a sense of unity=”Dear brothers and Sisters”. Uses poetry and repetition to focus on the main issue= “so here I stand-“.
Effectiveness: its very effective she automatically makes you feel like a brother or sister just because you are listening or reading the speech. And the repetition really makes those points about peace, equality, and education really stand out.

Section 3: Background as to why she is continuing to fight
Purpose: To inform those why she continues to fight even after her ordeals  and encourages other to fight along side her.
Appeals: pathos, sympathy and builds up her ethos
Technique: she continues to use repetition to address the audience as her brother, sisters, or even friends = “Dear ~~” almost like a letter to a friend. She belittles the fact of she got shot and follows it with the fact she is not the only one and that through the death of fear becomes strength and power =illusions. Also there are illisions/refrerences to important people such as Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela.

Section 4: The Call to Arms
Purpose: To reach out and unite everyone similar to her to fight and let their voices out to speak up
Appeals: Pathos and Logos
Technique: illusions = “ we realized the importance of pens and books when we saw the guns”. References to sayings “the pen is mightier than the sword”. Giving the audience a reason why this is happening and what they can do to fight back = Taliban is afraid of books because they cant read them so we pose a threat to them so by using education as our weapon we can defeat them. Calling on past memories = “there was a boy in our school-“.
Effectiveness: it makes those who can relate take up this call to arms and want to fight back with education.

Section 5:
Purpose: to sum up the finally and truly start a revolution
Appeals: Pathos
Technique: a lot of repetition = “we call~”. She tries to unite everyone with using “We”. Builds motivation using lines like= “No one can stop us” “We will bring change” “One Child, one teacher , one pen and one book can change the world. One thing can change everything.
Effectiveness: it varies depending on who you are students such as many American students may not agree with her final sentence “Education First.” But there are many people out there who would agree with her point of view and her solution.

General Evaluation:

 Malala is still a young writer with more to go but she has a good tone and uses many illusions to gain her point. I have much respect for her maybe it is because of the pathos she has built in her speech. Unfortunately she has not persuaded me to fight her cause so the effectiveness of the piece on an audience member such as me did not work in all aspects. She primarily uses pathos and that does not reach to all members of the audience. She does not have much logos to her speech but she attempts to captivate her audience and to motivate them for her cause. To make this speech reach more members of the audience more logos is needed.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

If Everyday Didn't Feel Like The Same

As a high school student I understand high school is stressful,  from the all-nighter to last minute studying before a big test. We all know first period is stressful having the same teacher every morning and trying to stay awake is a difficult challenge. Because of that we tend to do poorly in these classes. But if the schedule were to rotate then the less students will fail first period.
As the schedule is now, the classes at a constant routine everyday going to the same class everyday at the same time. There is very rarely any change and it's quite boring not just for students but for teachers as well. Students aren't the only people still trying to wake up at first period in my experiences with first period classes not all the teachers are completely awake either. I understand that getting more sleep may fix that problem but it won't fix the boredom of a constant schedule and having to have a class like math the first thing you have to think of in the morning.
As a result of less stress going on each period, less students would skip classes because they wouldn't feel the pressure of taking a math test first thing in the morning or having a teacher they didn't like constantly at the same time everyday. It would make more classes bare able to have them at different times of the day and have them rotate around.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Whats a Life if Everything is Constant?

School can be the best days or the worst days of your life. Frustration, stress and anxiety brew all around especially during the beginning of the year due to schedules. When classes you really desperately want cant fit into your schedule and the only thing you cant really chose about what you do in school is your schedule. Imagine having no room for more electives and having to wait to finish your lab sciences in order to get your chosen elective and trying to cram every class you want into your senior year. That's exactly what I plan on doing next year during my senior year. I'm frustrating in the fact I cant pursue my dream of art without having to drop one of my electives that I really love whether its the debate between taking a language, a music class, and a lab period, that gives me no room in order to pursue art. Not only that but hearing my friends from Norwalk high and hearing about their rotating schedule that allows you to have an extra elective with the price of an hour long period and a rotating lunch. A small price to pay to forward my future and pursue my interests. although it may be confusing to rotate classes every day and drop a class, it is significantly better then seeing the same teacher every day at 7:30 in the morning and constantly on the verge of sleep enabling learning or comprehending most things thought that period.
Imagine seeing people at the same day at the same time constantly over the whole yea, it gets drilled in your head and then you wonder why there are kids constantly skipping certain periods. A constant schedule is not meant for everyone it can bore and frustrate people. it a constant game of chance whether or not you'll have a good schedule and if you get an important class first period where most people are just not awake and fully functioning yet. Being on edge hoping for a schedule for your desired classes and failing first period classes because your just not a morning person is not how I'd like to spend high school feeling constantly bored that everything stays the same.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

What is Going On in Egypt and How Can We Help?

Egypt has been through rough water these past couples years, they’re going though a political transition and its not peaceful. They’ve been working hard to make their country a better place for them to live. The biggest issue is the economy is that it’s rapidly decreasing, the less money they have the less they have for essential need like water, trade and power. They’re in debt and they don't want to raise prices and have citizens grow angrier at them, but if noting is done they will continue to lose power in major cities and citizens will counties to use more money on generators and still grow angry at the government for not helping them.
Not only is losing electricity bad but the effects of that are worst, citizens’ refrigerators will not work or keep food healthy for them to eat so that may cause sickness and spread around also the heat from summer will be unbearable to the citizens without working A/Cs. If the US is going to help with anything it should be the electricity situation because it will prevent less chaos and will bring Egypt more stability to its people without causing harm to Egypt’s political situation. Egypt should be left alone to its political situation because the people of Egypt have the right to lead their own country how they see fit, if America was to disturb that and try to control their situation it could turn devastating.
Although, America goal is to help countries, that does not mean making countries into what it sees to be civil or proper. Western media tends to exaggerate as to ‘these people need help, their on the edge of civil war what are you going to do to help them’ type of news they feed us. Although that may seem like an invitation to but into their personal affairs its not we can only help them with what they wish to be helped with and not what we would like to change because we should not rule a country for them that only brings hatred.
What I would want to ask to Egyptians is:
What do you think need the most improving and how do you think it should be improved?
Is chaos on a day to day basis or is it just one or two thing happen and its blown up drastically?

Do you feel safe in a country that is on the edge of possible civil war?

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Where I'm From

Where I'm From

Where I'm from the cars move at a constant speed every couple minutes
 Where I'm from it's quite one knows anyone
If it doesn't involve you, you
Don't get into it
Where I'm from it's on the inside
That matters
Where people show you who they really are
Where laughter, jokes, and stupid remarks
Where Witt flows out of mouths and sarcasm seeps
Into every conversation
Where embarrassing moments turn to jokes you'll never live off

Where I'm from there is no reason for below average
Where I'm from you race to beat your siblings shadow but never
Because you have to but because you should
Where I'm from everyone is different
Where you shouldn't stay home because that's lazy
Where you do anything and everything
Where school becomes your 2nd home if not your 1st
Where I'm from family makes you who you are but it's your life

Where I'm from school is an amusement park
Where there are people you may only see once
You might not meet people till your graduation
Where there are challenging classes
And classes so boring your brains will melt
Where I'm from your expected to know what you want
And where you want to go in life
Where I'm from you have to be on point to succeed in life