Sunday, September 14, 2014

What is Going On in Egypt and How Can We Help?

Egypt has been through rough water these past couples years, they’re going though a political transition and its not peaceful. They’ve been working hard to make their country a better place for them to live. The biggest issue is the economy is that it’s rapidly decreasing, the less money they have the less they have for essential need like water, trade and power. They’re in debt and they don't want to raise prices and have citizens grow angrier at them, but if noting is done they will continue to lose power in major cities and citizens will counties to use more money on generators and still grow angry at the government for not helping them.
Not only is losing electricity bad but the effects of that are worst, citizens’ refrigerators will not work or keep food healthy for them to eat so that may cause sickness and spread around also the heat from summer will be unbearable to the citizens without working A/Cs. If the US is going to help with anything it should be the electricity situation because it will prevent less chaos and will bring Egypt more stability to its people without causing harm to Egypt’s political situation. Egypt should be left alone to its political situation because the people of Egypt have the right to lead their own country how they see fit, if America was to disturb that and try to control their situation it could turn devastating.
Although, America goal is to help countries, that does not mean making countries into what it sees to be civil or proper. Western media tends to exaggerate as to ‘these people need help, their on the edge of civil war what are you going to do to help them’ type of news they feed us. Although that may seem like an invitation to but into their personal affairs its not we can only help them with what they wish to be helped with and not what we would like to change because we should not rule a country for them that only brings hatred.
What I would want to ask to Egyptians is:
What do you think need the most improving and how do you think it should be improved?
Is chaos on a day to day basis or is it just one or two thing happen and its blown up drastically?

Do you feel safe in a country that is on the edge of possible civil war?

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