Thursday, March 12, 2015

The World of Emojis

Putting words into emojis was difficult because not every word has an emoji and some emojis can only be seen on certain devices or apps so in order to allow my audience to try to decipher this in emojis I had to screen shot it. I also feel that it could have been seen as more meaningful either said or in standard English, because emojis makes the viewer have to decipher and decide what your points are as opposed to making your statements clear and precise. When using emojis you have to decide what emoji is the best and clearest to have your audience decipher. and older generations who may not understand emojis or certain symbols will have a highly difficult time so it limits my audience. I had to compromise words and originally I was hoping to get 100% of it in emojis but that proved to be a more difficult task then I originally thought. I loosed my professionalism using emojis and I also lost part of the audience and comprehensibility. Standard English is necessary to because if people constantly wrote in emojis I'm not sure if I could understand them. Originally I thought dialects were just as good as any other English but I realized that it is valuable but it can be difficult to understand especially in a professional atmosphere. Anzadua makes a valid point that tex-mex and other languages although different are still a language and Jordan makes the same point as well these languages are valid and people us and speak them but the establishment of modern English makes more sense in the fact that we do have to have a basic standard in order to communicate whether it be across a country or to those learning English.

1 comment:

  1. Did you do this on the line app? I think that this was pretty cool. I agree with you that it would be difficult to understand people if they wrote in all emojis. The purpose that standard english serves is to be a common ground for people to speak to and understand eachother.
