Wednesday, February 11, 2015

The Center of School Life

The cafeteria, the most interesting or the most boring rowdy place you've ever been, but this all depend on your point of view. The cafeteria in McMahon the center of school life and drama, and the only place to hold a huge swarms of ever changing cliques is nothing more then a huge two part room with a kitchen attached which cooks “food”, and a wall consisting of window to the outside so you feel more free.
            “Classy” it rhymes with glassy, it must be what the architect was going for right? Considering he also built the bridge and the back section of the school filled with the most brilliant glass looking down on the field and hill. He must have been aiming to make the school “that school you wish you could go to” the one that looks pretty and cool and sophisticated. He succeeded every friend I have brought to this school and even I am amazing at all the windows and the view, honestly it makes me feel more free and apart of the school atmosphere even if I’m just looking out of the window at the sports team, I feel like “yea that's my sports team practicing to win, this is McMahon”. Maybe that wasn't the original purpose of the architecture but it worked.

            By putting the windows in the cafeteria he created an eye grabbing experience along with a more airy, spacious feeling, like the tables of people never end it continues to outside because the windows are floor to ceiling everything seems to go on. This appeals to everyone to new students, old students, especially visitors; it’s dramatic and sophisticated just what you would want in a cafeteria. The windows provide a distraction as well they overshadow any posters on them or around them because it is the highlight of the room, with a beautiful well maintained field as its back ground and a pretty sky it is eye grabbing. After the window you notice the bar stools and columns and its fairly impressive, and then after all of that you notice the tables and people (if there are any). The cafeteria was made to impress.

1 comment:

  1. The cafeteria and McMahon itself was made to impress. I like how you used an example of bringing outsiders to see the school to show how that actually works. Your analysis of the windows was good, and I think that since sports play a big part in McMahon, the visibility of them was just what the windows were meant to do.
