Wednesday, October 1, 2014

If Everyday Didn't Feel Like The Same

As a high school student I understand high school is stressful,  from the all-nighter to last minute studying before a big test. We all know first period is stressful having the same teacher every morning and trying to stay awake is a difficult challenge. Because of that we tend to do poorly in these classes. But if the schedule were to rotate then the less students will fail first period.
As the schedule is now, the classes at a constant routine everyday going to the same class everyday at the same time. There is very rarely any change and it's quite boring not just for students but for teachers as well. Students aren't the only people still trying to wake up at first period in my experiences with first period classes not all the teachers are completely awake either. I understand that getting more sleep may fix that problem but it won't fix the boredom of a constant schedule and having to have a class like math the first thing you have to think of in the morning.
As a result of less stress going on each period, less students would skip classes because they wouldn't feel the pressure of taking a math test first thing in the morning or having a teacher they didn't like constantly at the same time everyday. It would make more classes bare able to have them at different times of the day and have them rotate around.